Film Remakes, Intercultural Communication, Digital Innovation,
AI Software: Möbius Trip, Illustrations, Photography, Digital Narrative
Audiovisual Work
I have extensive experience in media production, filming and editing, and storytelling. The videos below are a sample from various independent projects I have worked on over the years. In addition, as part of the New Media Studio, I had the chance to work on collaborative anthropological visual projects with the Maryland Traditions. Lastly, I worked extensively on National Geographic/Cengage Learning TESOL program "Our World."
I have used diverse cameras to shoot these projects but mostly used Final Cut Pro X to do the editing. I have also worked with VideoScribe for some animations.
Personal Projects
As part of various assignments and commissions, I have written, designed, filmed, and edited the videos below.

La Maison (2007)
This short film is an attempt to portray my family. It is a personal project.
I used Amélie soundtrack. The voiceover is in French.
La Maison (2023)
This short film is a remake of the previous short film La Maison. It attempts to portray my family through the eyes of my niece and nephew. It echoes with the video made 16 years prior.
I used a hip hop version of Amelie's soundtrack. The video is also in French.
The Möbius Trip
The MOBIUS TRIP REPLAY Promotional Video (2023)
This video introduces the Multimodal Audiovisual AI toolkit, the Möbius Trip, and summarizes its main features.
I edited the video on Final Cut Pro X and used Motion Array templates for the animations.
The music is Spark Of Life by BenjaminLAZZARUS
Videos made at Cyprus University
Are you looking for a career path? Embark on one of our French and European Studies programs at the University of Cyprus. We will take you on a fantastic academic journey paved with discoveries and growth.
Ψάχνετε για την καριέρα σας; Ελάτε να μας ενταχθείτε σε ένα από τα προγράμματα μελέτης Γαλλικών και Ευρωπαϊκών στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Κύπρου. Θα σας πάρουμε σε ένα φανταστικό ακαδημαϊκό ταξίδι γεμάτο ανακαλύψεις και προσωπική ανάπτυξη.
University of Cyprus short film competition teaser (2024)
This year's theme is hip hop, sport, and artistic expression
Êtes vous à la recherche de votre carrière ? Venez nous rejoindre dans l'un de nos programmes d'études françaises et européennes à l'Université de Chypre. Nous vous emmènerons dans un fantastique voyage académique pavé de découvertes et développement personnel.
Videos made in Baltimore, USA
Promotional Video: French Department @ UMBC
This video illustrates the significance of the French language all over the world. French has and will increasingly continue to have an impact worldwide in the context of globalization, and that's why it is crucial to start learning it right now.
The video also describes the possible tracks offered to study French at UMBC.
Baltimore by Drone During Spring 2020
This video shows Baltimore during early bizarre COVID-19 quarantine times. It looked as if the city was asleep. The streets were mostly empty, more empty than usual. No sirens. No traffic noise. The times are dark and the atmosphere is gloomy. Hang in there Baltimore.
It was my first attempt at doing a vid with a drone. I crashed in a few trees but didn’t hurt any seagulls.
What's in a Name?
"Traveling abroad may teach you one thing: You may not be the one you thought you were"
My name is Landry Digeon. I am 'obviously' not from the US. What do people think about when they hear my name? What ideas do they associate it with? How does that affect their perception of me?
This experiment was shot on UMBC campus. Students read and listen to my name. I was silent behind the camera and asked a friend to ask the questions to participants not to influence their answers.
British House Promotional Video, Barcelona
I taught French and English at British House in Barcelona. British House is a dynamic place to learn other languages with young teachers!
I was commissioned by British House to do this promotional video to celebrate the school's ten-year anniversary.
Stereotypes on French people
This project questions the stereotypes on French people.
@UMBC campus
INCC Program @ UMBC
Description & promotion
The INCC Program at UMBC offers a powerful mind-opening intercultural experience and trains the students with tools and concepts to better understand the dynamics and tensions at stake in a globalized world.
The Program brings students from all over the world together. Beyond the intercultural theories and methods studied in class, the experience of simply being with each other in a room often led to rich discussions, as well as some miscommunications, misunderstandings, and a lot of unforgettable moments.
Maryland Cultural Heritage
As part of the New Media Studio at UMBC, I worked on multiple short visual ethnographic projects. I had the chance to contribute to several Maryland Cultural Heritage short film projects with Michelle Stefano and Bill Shewbridge. For these projects, I did the on-site shooting and editing.
Wallace M. Yater, Master Blacksmith
J. Gruber's Hagers-Town Town and Country Almanack
Bending Water Park and Indian Water Trails of the Accohannock Indian Tribe
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Our World- National Geographic / Cengage Learning
As part of the New Media Studio at UMBC, I contributed to the educational popular series “Our World.” Our World is a program developed by National Geographic Learning and Joan Kang Shin to facilitate the instruction of English to young learners.
For this project, I worked directly with the authors. I conceptualized the visuals, I did the in-studio filming and video editing. The project lasted over a year and included over a hundred videos.